Peptan Blog




30 Sep 2019

Darling Ingredients のグローバル企業であり、ゼラチンおよびコラーゲンペプチドの世界的なリーディングカンパニーである Rousselot は、Peptan® コラーゲンペプチドの肌の美しさと髪の強さに対する効果に関する新しい臨床試験結果[1]を発表しました。この研究は、ペプタンの強力な科学的ポートフォリオにさらなる証拠を追加し、ペプタンコラーゲンペプチドの経口補充が、多様な民族の人々の肌や髪の全体的な外観の改善に大きく貢献することを明らかにしました。









ペプタンコラーゲンペプチドの最新科学情報については、ペプタン社のホワイトペーパー「肌の美しさと髪の健康を促進するコラーゲンペプチド」 をダウンロードしてください。


Rousselot, a Darling Ingredients global company and the leading global producer of gelatin and collagen peptides, has released the findings of a new clinical study[1] on the effects of Peptan® collagen peptides on skin beauty and hair strength. Adding further evidence to Peptan’s strong scientific portfolio, the study revealed that the oral supplementation with Peptan collagen peptides significantly contributes to improving the overall appearance of skin and hair in an ethnically diverse population.

Promoting smooth-looking skin with collagen peptides

The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical research was conducted with 60 healthy Brazilian women, aged 45 to 60 years. During a set period of 90 days, a group of 30 participants received a 5g daily dose of Peptan collagen peptides from bovine origin (Peptan B) while the remaining subjects consumed a placebo control. Parameters of skin characteristics in the region of the cheeks, around the nose, eyes, mouth, as well as hair strength, were evaluated at baseline prior to supplementation and again 45 and 90 days after supplementation with high-end, state-of-the-art techniques.

Results showed significant improvements in the overall appearance of the skin, characterized by a decrease in periorbital wrinkles by 13% and nasolabial wrinkles by 10% and a reduction of the visibility of pores in the region of the cheekbones in 57% of the Peptan-supplemented participants. At the basis of those observations was a clear increase of the density of the dermis, which contains the strength-providing collagen layer of the skin, following Peptan supplementation.

Bringing new scientific evidence for hair strength

While collagen is known for promoting stronger and healthier hair, there has been no scientific assessment of these beauty benefits until now. This new study evaluated the characteristics of hair using a texturometer before and after Peptan supplementation clearly demonstrating an increase of the mechanical strength of the hair by 13% in the Peptan group compared to the placebo group. Mechanical strength is linked to improved properties of the hair cortex, which can be especially beneficial for aging hair.

Broadening Peptan’s Scientific Portfolio for Skin Beauty

Previous clinical reports have demonstrated that oral collagen peptide supplements can reduce the signs of skin aging by improving skin hydration2,3,4,5, elasticity3,4,5 and dermal collagen density2. The new scientific evidence using Peptan broadens the understanding of benefits delivered by Peptan collagen peptide supplementation for beauty in several ways. It provides further evidence on the efficacy of Peptan collagen peptides from bovine origin, at a lower dose. Conducted in a Brazilian population of mixed skin and hair types, this also brings additional proof that Peptan is efficacious across populations of different ethnical backgrounds, adding to the previous evidence obtained from trials in Caucasian and Asian populations.2

Peptan’s range of collagen peptides are safe, bioactive and developed through an optimized hydrolyzation process, which makes collagen peptides highly bioavailable, and provide targeted benefits in the key connective tissues of the human body. A leading global brand of choice, Peptan collagen peptides are widely used in nutricosmetic applications and continue to grow in popularity among manufacturers looking to differentiate their products, thanks to the wealth of vital information supplied by Rousselot’s extensive scientific research.

To find out more about the latest science on Peptan collagen peptides, download Peptan’s white paper ‘Collagen peptides for promoting skin beauty and hair health’:


[1] Rousselot unpublished study

[2] The effect or oral collagen peptide supplementation on skin moisture and the dermal collagen network

[3] Clinical effects of fish type I collagen hydrolysate on skin properties.

[4] Improvement in the moisture content of the stratum corneum following 4 weeks of collagen hydrolysate ingestion. 

[5] Ingestion of bioactive collagen hydrolysates enhance facial skin moisture and elasticity and reduce facial ageing signs in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study.


56 items

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