罗赛洛 (Rousselot) 作为达凌配料 (Darling Ingredients) 旗下的一家享誉全球的明胶和胶原蛋白肽生产企业,发布了一项最新临床研究[1]结果,证实了 Peptan® 胶原蛋白肽能有效促使皮肤美容和发丝强度。此项研究表明,口服胶原蛋白肽可显著改善多种族人群的整体肤质及头发的外观。此前已有众多科学研究表明 Peptan 具有此卓越效果,而该项研究又为此提供了一强有力的证据。
此项随机、对照、双盲临床研究的对象为 60 名年龄为 45 岁至 60 岁的巴西女性。在90 天期间内,一组 30 名参与者每天服用 5 克 Peptan 牛源胶原蛋白肽 (Peptan B),其余参与者服用安慰剂。在研究开始之前以及之后的第45 天和第 90 天,分别采用高端一流的技术检测脸颊区域及鼻子、眼睛、嘴巴周围的皮肤特征参数,以及发丝的强韧度。
结果表明,在服用了 Peptan 胶原蛋白肽的人中,有 57% 的人皮肤整体外观得到显著的改善,眼周皱纹减少 13%,鼻唇沟皱纹减少 10%,颧骨区的毛孔变小。之所以出现这些变化,是因为在服用 Peptan 后,皮肤的真皮层密度明显增加。真皮层含有的胶原蛋白为表皮提供了支撑作用。
虽然都认为胶原蛋白能让头发更强韧健康,但至今未有针对此类美容效果的科学研究。此项新研究采用质地测定计,分别对服用 Peptan 之前和之后的受试者的头发特征进行分析。结果明显证实,相较于对照组,Peptan 组人群的头发的机械强度增加了 13%。机械强度的增加,表明头发的皮质层的属性得到了改善,这尤其有助于延缓头发的衰老。
此前的临床报告已证实,口服 胶原蛋白肽营养剂能改善肌肤水分2,3,4,5、弹性3,4,5、真皮层胶原蛋白密度,从而减缓肌肤老化迹象。此项新的科学证据从几个方面让人们更深入了解 Peptan 胶原蛋白肽营养剂对美容的益处,进一步证明了服用更少剂量 牛源胶原蛋白肽的效用。由于此项研究是在一群具有不同肤质和发质的巴西人身上开展的,这再次证明了 Peptan 对不同种族人群皆有效,。而此前的研究已证明 Peptan 在白人和亚洲人身上的显著效果2。
Peptan 的各种胶原蛋白肽都采用优化的水解生产工艺,因而安全并富有生物活性,为人体的一些关键结缔组织带来靶向效益。作为享誉全球的品牌,Peptan 的各种胶原蛋白肽被广泛用于营养美容领域,并持续在众多希望寻求自身产品差异化的厂商中得到青睐,这得益于罗赛洛通过广泛的科学研究所获取的大量重要信息。
如需查看更多有关 Peptan 胶原蛋白肽的最新科学研究,请下载 Peptan 白皮书 《胶原蛋白肽促进皮肤美容和发丝强度》:https://peptan.com/zh-hans/hair-skin/
Rousselot, a Darling Ingredients global company and the leading global producer of gelatin and collagen peptides, has released the findings of a new clinical study[1] on the effects of Peptan® collagen peptides on skin beauty and hair strength. Adding further evidence to Peptan’s strong scientific portfolio, the study revealed that the oral supplementation with Peptan collagen peptides significantly contributes to improving the overall appearance of skin and hair in an ethnically diverse population.
Promoting smooth-looking skin with collagen peptides
The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical research was conducted with 60 healthy Brazilian women, aged 45 to 60 years. During a set period of 90 days, a group of 30 participants received a 5g daily dose of Peptan collagen peptides from bovine origin (Peptan B) while the remaining subjects consumed a placebo control. Parameters of skin characteristics in the region of the cheeks, around the nose, eyes, mouth, as well as hair strength, were evaluated at baseline prior to supplementation and again 45 and 90 days after supplementation with high-end, state-of-the-art techniques.
Results showed significant improvements in the overall appearance of the skin, characterized by a decrease in periorbital wrinkles by 13% and nasolabial wrinkles by 10% and a reduction of the visibility of pores in the region of the cheekbones in 57% of the Peptan-supplemented participants. At the basis of those observations was a clear increase of the density of the dermis, which contains the strength-providing collagen layer of the skin, following Peptan supplementation.
Bringing new scientific evidence for hair strength
While collagen is known for promoting stronger and healthier hair, there has been no scientific assessment of these beauty benefits until now. This new study evaluated the characteristics of hair using a texturometer before and after Peptan supplementation clearly demonstrating an increase of the mechanical strength of the hair by 13% in the Peptan group compared to the placebo group. Mechanical strength is linked to improved properties of the hair cortex, which can be especially beneficial for aging hair.
Broadening Peptan’s Scientific Portfolio for Skin Beauty
Previous clinical reports have demonstrated that oral collagen peptide supplements can reduce the signs of skin aging by improving skin hydration2,3,4,5, elasticity3,4,5 and dermal collagen density2. The new scientific evidence using Peptan broadens the understanding of benefits delivered by Peptan collagen peptide supplementation for beauty in several ways. It provides further evidence on the efficacy of Peptan collagen peptides from bovine origin, at a lower dose. Conducted in a Brazilian population of mixed skin and hair types, this also brings additional proof that Peptan is efficacious across populations of different ethnical backgrounds, adding to the previous evidence obtained from trials in Caucasian and Asian populations.2
Peptan’s range of collagen peptides are safe, bioactive and developed through an optimized hydrolyzation process, which makes collagen peptides highly bioavailable, and provide targeted benefits in the key connective tissues of the human body. A leading global brand of choice, Peptan collagen peptides are widely used in nutricosmetic applications and continue to grow in popularity among manufacturers looking to differentiate their products, thanks to the wealth of vital information supplied by Rousselot’s extensive scientific research.
To find out more about the latest science on Peptan collagen peptides, download Peptan’s white paper ‘Collagen peptides for promoting skin beauty and hair health’: https://peptan.com/about-peptan/downloads/collagen-peptides-for-skin-beauty-and-hair-health
[1] Rousselot unpublished study
[2] The effect or oral collagen peptide supplementation on skin moisture and the dermal collagen network
[3] Clinical effects of fish type I collagen hydrolysate on skin properties.
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