Paula Ellis (@paulaellisfit) is a specialist in the core pillars of a healthy lifestyle—nutrition, training, and psychology. She’s also an influencer, nutrition expert, and Key Account Manager at Weider, a global nutrition company.
Paula Ellis (@paulaellisfit) is a specialist in the core pillars of a healthy lifestyle—nutrition, training, and psychology. She’s also an influencer, nutrition expert, and Key Account Manager at Weider, a global nutrition company. Paula began her journey as a Clinical and Sports Psychologist before pursuing a master’s degree in Nutrition, Pharmacology, and Sports Supplements, and another in Sports Management. We’re thrilled to announce that Paula has joined us as our latest Peptan ambassador. To kick off this exciting partnership, we sat down with Paula to learn more about her journey and insights into health and wellness.
How did you get started with health, fitness, and nutrition?
‘It all started with my love of sports. All my life, I’ve done many sports: soccer, athletics, volleyball, tennis, skiing, horse riding, and so on. But I found my real passion in fitness. For many years, I was in national and international Bikini Fitness competitions. Now, my goal is to teach people to lead a healthy lifestyle they can sustain.
‘You may be asking yourself: “How has she managed to reach this level of health and fitness?” My method focuses on the key areas of nutrition, training, psychology, and the often-overlooked element of rest and sleep. The first step is to find daily motivation, backed up by effort, discipline, and perseverance. I always suggest finding activities that entertain and motivate you to be consistent.’
How can we achieve a healthy lifestyle?
‘From my experience, I recommend combining different activities to avoid the boredom of always doing the same thing. In this way, we continue to evolve and improve ourselves, in addition to promoting different skills, such as strength, endurance, speed, and flexibility.
‘Our performance varies every day due to many reasons: fluctuating energy and motivation levels, emotional and physical states, and more – which is why effort, discipline, and perseverance are so crucial. If one day you don’t feel motivated, don’t think: instead, just act! And envision how well you will feel and how clear your mind will be when you finish. Keep in mind that the values you absorb through sports will produce a positive effect in other areas of your life. That way, your health and fitness journey becomes a life-changing learning experience.’

How do we maintain nutritional balance in our lives?
‘The first key is maintaining a healthy and varied nutritional base. I start by covering fundamental concepts such as macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats) and how to balance them according to individual needs. Additionally, recognizing micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) and their roles in our bodies underscores the importance of meeting daily nutritional requirements through dietary intake.
‘Secondly, we need to learn to listen to and understand how our bodies function. This way we can foster a positive relationship with food. Understanding how our bodies respond in various situations helps distinguish between real hunger and emotional hunger.’
How can we ensure we meet our daily nutritional needs?
‘The nutritional supplements available nowadays are very helpful, since they’re an easy and quick way to complement our daily nutrition. The three basic groups of supplements that I usually recommend in all nutritional plans are vitamins and minerals, omega 3-6-9, and collagen peptides.
‘If you practice sports, it’s good to realize that this also affects your nutritional needs. This is why I always consider pre- and post-workout nutritional intake, too. Both play a key role in sports performance. I usually include other supplements to promote muscle development plus maintenance and to ensure an optimal recovery.’

Do you use Peptan collagen peptides regularly?
‘Yes! I started taking Peptan collagen peptides every day nine years ago. Since then, I have been consuming and recommending Peptan for years as one of my basic daily supplements. It has helped me both in my sports goals and general health. Now, I add Peptan to my coffee every morning’.
What is the role of psychology in health & wellness?
‘Our mind serves as the foundation of everything, the cornerstone. Managing our inner selves—our thoughts and emotions—impacts all areas of our lives. That’s why nurturing a positive psychological relationship with food and exercise is so important, alongside working on healthy habits, such as good nutrition and consistent training. While I could talk more on this, I’ll share one of my most significant quotes instead: “Change your mindset, and you will change your life”.
Don’t miss out on the upcoming Paula x Peptan posts, including fitness tips, nutritional advice, inspiring recipes, and more! Stay updated by following us on Instagram now. And, while you’re at it, connect with Paula’s Instagram.
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