In 2015, the first comprehensive scientific publication of research into the anti-aging benefits of Peptan was released.
Appearing in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, this paper was the first to elevate the science behind collagen peptides taken as a supplement for skin beauty to the next level by revealing strong clinical evidence to prove Peptan’s ability to restructure the collagen network in deep skin layers. This represents a true breakthrough in skin anti-aging science. The newly published data also presents a statistically significant effect of Peptan collagen peptides on skin hydration explained by the stimulation of hyaluronic acid production.
This new compilation2 of skin health research performed by leading dermatological institutes Laboratory Cosderma and EC Biolab in France and the Souken Laboratory in Japan, features evidence from two double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trials on Asian and Caucasian women with different skin types, backed by further ex vivo studies on skin tissue3. The clinical research showed highly important skin anti-aging benefits: Peptan significantly decreased the fragmentation of collagen in the deep layer of the dermis by -18% after 4 weeks and as much as -31% after 12 weeks of intake. Peptan also significantly increased the density of collagen in the dermis by + 9 % after 4 weeks of intake. Skin hydration increased by an impressive 28%, counteracting the appearance of the dry skin that typically occurs through aging. The ex vivo studies demonstrated Peptan’s anti-aging effects from a mechanistic point of view with key findings including the positive impact of Peptan on the skin cell’s (fibroblast’s) ability to produce collagen fibers and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) such as the moisture-trapping hyaluronic acid.
The Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology’s review provides the first ever publication of data to show skin restructuring effects after taking a nutraceutical ingredient. These data are substantiated by a high level of scientific research and the only results to date to demonstrate the underlying mechanism of how collagen peptides help strengthen and rejuvenate the deeper skin layers and maintain the cohesive and dense collagen network that is key to prevent wrinkles and sagging. The significant effect of Peptan collagen peptides on skin hydration is also noteworthy – as maintaining well hydrated skin is crucial for smooth, plump skin and prevent the formation of micro relief wrinkles. The paper provides clear, compelling evidence to support the use of collagen peptides in ingestible ‘Beauty from Within’ products.
Peptan collagen peptides are safe, bioactive collagen peptides, optimized through a careful hydrolyzation process to make them easily digestible, highly bioavailable and able to promote specific benefits in the target tissue. Globally recognized as the preferred bioactive ingredient of leading nutricosmetic brands, Peptan is now benefiting from a notable increase in popularity in Western markets thanks to the growth of the nutricosmetics industry outside of Asia. Our team in Ghent continues to conduct further research into Peptan’s efficacy on beauty from within.
1. The effect of oral collagen peptide supplementation on skin moisture and the dermal collagen network
2. The studies have been performed by independent institutes commissioned by Rousselot.
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